Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life

Raw Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and water; and it’s the only food that contains “pinocembrin”, an antioxidant associated with improved brain functioning.

The more i read about honey the more fascinating information i find out about bees and honey. Many people pooh pooh the idea that honey is useful but from information read and anecdotes from customers can see how useful honey is to man and yet we often neglect it for modern medicine instead of using both together. Look at a lot of modern high end cosmetics and there will be one interesting ingredient in it ‘honey’.

Long consistent use of honey is the best medicine needed and it tastes so delicious we should not ignore it’s goodness.

Macnahl #rawhoney – a taste of sunshine straight from the hive to your table

honey vs sugar


From the table here you can see that honey contains only 82% sugar by weight, while sugar contains 99.9%.  Good thing about this is that honey has less calories than sugar – woohoo. Honey as you can see in the table on the left is not all sugar but contains minerals, vitamins, water and antioxidants.

Raw honey also contains over 200 elements especially antioxidants. The antioxidants are believed by practitioners and scientists to protect against many forms of diseases.

Raw honey is linked to a range of health benefits, including improved cholesterol and inflammatory markers.




know your honeys – read the labels and research the ingredients

Just back from India and was at the supermarket when i saw a lovely jar with a pic of a hive and thought that could be a nice shape jar for my honeys. So picked it up to see what type of honey the ingredients said 90% syrup 10% honey.  So not real honey more like a con / scam trying to make people think that they are buying the real mccoy at a cheap price. Marketers and companies are very clever knowing people will not always look at the ingredients but at a nice squarish solid jar and the image of the hive on the label. Many people have complained to me that my honey is too expensive and does not taste like honey but when i ask them what they normally buy guess what it is the corn syrup eitheehr 100% with image of a hive or the one with 10% honey.

Mostly the syrup is corn syrup which studies have shown are key factors in obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease.

commercial honey – heated to 70° and often blended with sugar

commercial raw honey – between 10-30% raw honey and rest blended with commercial honey and/or sugar

remember you get what you pay for



breathlessness and raw honey

My mum just came back from india, almost two months there and then from there she went off to Australia for three weeks. Her return flight from Sydney to Glasgow was 30hrs though she did stop off at abu dhabi and dublin for an hour and half each.  When she returned home I noticed that whenever she was walking even a small distance she kept getting breathless, mum is Alhumdullilah 86. So I immediately starting giving her a teaspoon of honey in the morning and evening and this is her second week here and have put it down to 1 teaspoon of honey. Within two days I noticed that her breathlessness has gone even when walking a short distance. Will keep giving her a teaspoon for her health, good thing she likes honey. I couldn’t remember which honey I gave her initially as we have several open so just gave her whatever I took out from the cupboard. Better than mum taking some medicine which may give her side effects.

Have been reading about how so many people who fly get chest infections, flu, colds and other airborne diseases hence me instantly giving mum raw honey as it is anti-viral and anti-bacterial and tastes great too.

Also spoke to a customer a week ago who said that since he had started taking honey every day has not had a cold but it is the long term intake that he found helps him not just taking it when you have a cold.

France have authorised the use of a new bee-killing pesticide called Sulfoxaflor URGENT PLS SIGN PETITION

This is urgent bees are already declining rapidly and robot bees are definitely not the answer now France have authorised the use of a new bee-killing pesticide called Sulfoxaflor. It’s a neonicotinoid — the class of pesticides that is known to pose a deadly risk for bees and other pollinators.

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION ASAP AND PASS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY SO WE CAN SAVE OUR BEES – the regulators’ decision can still be undone by the French minister for the environment, Nicolas Hulot. We need to show him that the decision taken in France matters to all of us around the world.

The problem is once France starts all the other european countries will follow suite please sign and help to ban this pesticide.




some useful information on links below:


some interesting bee facts

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that of the 100 crop species that provide 90% of food worldwide, 71 are pollinated by bees.


There are 25 000 different species of bees, and many of them are solitary bees that nest in the ground or nest in trees.
 A hive of commercial honeybees can produce 75 kilograms of honey a year, a hive of stingless bees produces less than one kilogram.

In an average bee colony, there are –

a) one fertile queen, whose main activity is egg- laying,
b) from 20 000 to 80 000 sterile female worker bees, which do almost everything that needs to be done in the colony, and
c) from 300 to 800 fertile males, generally called drones.

In addition, there are about 5 000 eggs and 25-30 000 immature bees in various stages of their development, called the brood. Of these, some 10 000, newly hatched, are the larvae, which have to be fed by the workers, while the remainder, after the larval stage, are pupae, sealed into their cells by the workers to mature. They are called the sealed brood.