Often we dont have the luxury of a garden or large outdoor space don’t worry planting flowers in pots and putting outside on a balcony, large safe window ledge or somewhere outside when you don’t have a large garden or…
Category: bee facts
Pollen is not an ingredient of honey but is stored inside the hive as a food as it has proteins, nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, lipids and over 250 active substances which is important for larva to develop. Pollen inside the…
trained bees
Just found out recently that bees have been trained as bomb detectors and are able to detect hidden landmines. Not only that but honeybees have also been trained to detect illness in the human body cancer being one of the…
Solitary Bees
Most species of bees are solitary ie each female makes her own nest. Solitary bees are shorted lived as adults ie having grown through the stages of egg, larva and pupa before becoming adults. In the UK there are about…
honeycomb and honey cappings for troubled breathing
Had a call over a week ago from someone in Bolton saying that his uncle had suddenly got trouble breathing and was being admitted to hospital and would be put onto oxygen. He was worried that once on oxygen he…