Cold and flu season is now upon us as well as the coronavirus which is very worrying right now.
The best thing to build your immunity up is to take 1 teaspoon of honey when you wake up on an empty stomach and dont eat or drink for 45min and this will build up your immunity and after a few months less likely to get colds, flus etc.
Honey cappings and honeycomb taking 1 teaspoon a day chew for half an hour and then spit out this will help build up your chest immunity and after a few months less likely to get chest infections. Plus when sick take 1 teaspoon before sleeping chew for half an hour then spit out then take 1 teaspoon of honey and sleep this will help with the cough and cold and flu and chest infection.
a 2010 study by WHO and other researchers on children and adults with respiratory problems especially bad coughs found that a teaspoon of honey before sleeping had a greater symptom relief from coughing and better sleep than cough medicine and a study in 2012 also had the same result.
Raw honey has been used for hundreds of years for cold, flu, bronchial and pneumonial problems.
A U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory committee recommended that children under the age of 6 should not take any cough or cold medicines because they have not been shown to effective and can have serious side effects and to take honey.
Public Health England recommend patients take honey and hot drinks for sore throats.
16 #rawhoneys to choose from