One of my clients mentioned to me the other day that she hated honey and i wondered why she kept buying it regularly. So i asked her “You do not like honey but regularly buy”. In which she replied “it keeps my dogs healthy and when they are not well I make a decoction of herbs and honey for them to eat 1 teapoon a day to prevent viral and bacterial infections.”
Wow as this is the same for humans take 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of honey every day and it keeps us all healthy and your dogs too who knew.
Antiviral recipe below for dogs but this can also be used by humans:
4 tablespoons of dried thyme
4 tablespoons of dried Lemon Balm
4 tablespoon of dried oregano
4 tablespoons of dried lavender
4 tablespoons of dried dandelion
4 tablespoons of dried elderberry
Mix well together and put into an empty sterile jar. Add #rawhoney and close lid tightly and shake until well mixed. Put in a dry warm cupboard for two weeks. Filter it via cheesecloth or coffee filter into another empty sterile jar so that only honey is in it and not the herbs. Store in a warm cupboard and give 1 teaspoon a day to your dog. Can also be consumed by humans same amount 1 teaspoon a day. Don’t throw away the herbs they can be used in cooking put into a sterile jar and keep in fridge until used.