Raw Honey and shingles

UPDATE 15 APRIL 2019 – Today we took aunty to see the doctor who said he was surprised how well aunty’s face had healed up after five days and that usually the way her shingles looked was usually after two weeks when it was about to go. We explained that she had been putting honey on her face every three hours during the day and leaving it on during that time then washing it off. Good news only need to persuade her to put in her eye the honey now.

My aunt who hates honey has just agreed to using raw honey on her shingles. She has it on her face only just under her eyes and above her lips and speaking to my mum this is the second time she has it. It is very painful she woke up this morning with a pain in her eye and it was weeping badly we thought it was in her eye thank Allah it was not. Otherwise i would have put a drop in her eye once or twice a day of #rawhoney. I used #rawraspberryhoney as it was the one on the table but you can use any of our honeys.

#rawhoney has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-microbial properties that make it effective in healing shingle blisters and also in helping to remove the ugly scars from the shingle-damaged skin (it is used in some parts of the middle east when people have injuries on their face to heal and stop scarring). #Rawhoney also has a soothing effect on skin a factor that helps in getting rid of burning sensation, itchiness and dryness.

Remedy – apply #rawhoney to the affected area . Ensure you only use natural, unheated #rawhoney (heat-extracted honey destroys its natural enzymes). Just apply a thin layer to the affected area and put a cotton bud over with some micropore to keep it on. Wash off after a few hours and start again we put on every two to three hours and washed off then restarted again. Do this for seven (7) days. Make sure when using #rawhoney that you put a teaspoon in a small flat plate and whatever is leftover you wash away. I used cottonbuds to apply and did not put them back into the honey but used a new one then lightly covered the area with cottonwool and used micropore tape to hold it on lightly and after a day just left it open