Just read the following headline “Honey found to be a better treatment for upper respiratory tract infections than traditional remedies” three doctors studied experiments using #rawhoney and looked at data from 14 clinical trials involving 1,761 patients. What they found was that honey out performed prescribed antibiotics, over the counter and sinus medicines. Also many medicines don’t really work on viruses but rather bacteria and guess what honey is good treatment for both viruses and bacterial infections and it is natural. We have been reporting exactly this that for the last few years doctors and others have returned back to honey when their patients did not respond to conventional medicine and honey was the only element that cured those who were resistant to antiobotics etc.
Not only that so many people because of conventional medicine overuse have become resistant to the medicines and the three doctors found that honey proved to be the best therapy among all of those tested. Also raw honey proved that it was more effective in treating coughing by 36% and reducing the severity of coughing by 44% plus it also led to a reduction in average duration of infection by two days.
For thousands of years people have been using raw honey to treat coughs, colds, flus and other diseases and many people nowadays wont believe until they see that there has been a study done by conventional scientists or doctors. Of course this used to make me angry until i realised that i know honey works and just let it go and let people try themselves.