Tag: raw honey

honey and your body

According to studies at the University of Illinois and others, vitamins and minerals in raw honey can help reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol by taking 1 teaspoon of raw honey daily. A Dutch study showed that warm milk can calm…

Honey information

Raw honey has many medicinal properties and is used to treat stomach ailments, anaemia, chest infections, allergies and bacterial infections are just a few of the conditions that may be improved by consumption of unprocessed honey. Commercial honey is heated…


Asthma Take 1/2cm of honeycomb or honey cappings and chew for half an hour like chewing gum- keep chewing the wax even when the taste has gone and after half an hour spit it out.  Take once a day every…

Raw Honey

Honey a taste of sunshine straight from the hive to your table. The Bees have not been fed sugar nor has our honey been heated or blended with other honeys. The hives are placed for the season in the various…