MacNahl’s raw rosemary honey is not infused as the hives have been put in the fields of rosemary for the season hence its light colour and it’s very fine and unique taste with almost a hint of rosemary.
Rosemary #rawhoney is very good for people who have stomach problems and intestinal problems. It has been known since Roman times as a good healer of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. It is recommended for people who have liver inflammation, cirrhosis, jaundice, etc.
It is especially good for people with asthma and those who have spasmodic coughs as well as having a healing effect on the liver. It is also useful for people who have high uric acid in their blood.
Take two teaspoons of the rosemary raw honey before sleeping as it helps to soothe a sore throat irritation and calms coughing, it also helps to reduce the bacteria in the throat.
Rosemary #rawhoney is used extensively in the cosmetic industry as a moisturiser and for helping to reduce acne and blemishes.
Combine rosemary #rawhoney with lemon and garlic to make a lovely marinade for lamb and chicken.
The Romans considered rosemary #rawhoney as the best type of honey in the world.