This winter season of 2017/2018 the flu virus has been very very bad so many people dying not from the flu virus itself but from complications arising from it. We would advise people not to eat outside for a few months as there is no guarantee that the cook or waiter is not infected and a sneeze or cough travels a long way in the air.
The family has been down with the flu since mid-January though my 87 year old mother has had it on and off since november when she returned from Australia. As i was away in India when she became ill was unable to start the honey treatment. My brother was giving her fresh ginger and lemon and honey to drink but still she was not getting better and her wheezing and coughing was unabated. So started her off as well now with two teaspoons of #rawhoney before sleeping – though what i found worked was one teaspoon of one of the #rawhoney’s which had started to crystallise funnily enough and a teaspoon of one that had not. Alhumdullilah her coughing spasms are almost gone as the honey coated her throat overnight. Have also started her off with honey chewing gum (we only have a limited supply but honeycomb is just as good) a teaspoon (normally we advise 1/4 teaspoon but these are not normal flu times) twice a day this has helped her wheezing considerably and will strengthen her chest long term. She did not like chewing it for half an hour as she prefers honeycomb (will start her on that once the honey chewing gum runs out) so had to sit with her to ensure she did for it to work. Also a teaspoon of honey first thing when she wakes up.
Will keep everyone informed on progress as after five days of this treatment i can see an improvement but still many days to go to get her back to full health.
For myself i have been taking the two teaspoons of #rawhoney at night before bed and when i wake up it has helped quite a bit. All the studies about taking the honey overnight before sleeping seem to be correct as i did not get a sore throat and it helped alleviate my flu considerably though now to tackle the chest – honeycomb or honey chewing gum which one that is the dilemma.