Taking a spoonful of crystallised honey suck on it slowly helps to reduce a sore throat and will start the healing process. Take it first thing in the morning when you wake up and dont eat or drink anything for…
Author: mact
Some interesting facts about blood count and honey
Sister Evelyn who has cancer has been taking 1 tablespoon three times a day of our raw thyme honey since last summer on an empty stomach as her white blood cells were too high and the doctors were unable to…
honey and your body
According to studies at the University of Illinois and others, vitamins and minerals in raw honey can help reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol by taking 1 teaspoon of raw honey daily. A Dutch study showed that warm milk can calm…
Benefits of Rosemary Honey
MacNahl’s raw rosemary honey is not infused as the hives have been put in the fields of rosemary for the season hence its light colour and it’s very fine and unique taste with almost a hint of rosemary. Rosemary #rawhoney…
bee brain size
A bee brain is about the size of a sesame seed and are capable of some surprisingly high levels of communication, memory and navigation. Bees learn and memorise navigation routes in complex landscapes requiring the ability to detect, distinguish and…